Cognition & E-Learning Lab (CELL)
蔡孟蓉教授實驗室簡介影片: MJ's CELLab

The Cognition & E-Learning Lab (CELL) is led by Dr. Meng-Jung Tsai who is currently a Professor in the Program of Learning Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University. Prof. Tsai's research centered at how students learn in various digital learning environments, especially in online inquiry learning, game-based learning and robotics-based learning environments. Her research domains cover from computer and information literacy education to technology-enhanced science learning. Most of her research topics involve online information searching and problem solving in relation to social scientific issues. She is also interested in social cultural issues such as gender difference and digital divide in technology society. Recently, Prof. Tsai has been using eye-tracking techniques to examine learners' cognitive process and cognitive strategies involved in digital learning environments. Her research team has developed the real-time eye-fixation data collection system, RealGaze (RG), and the Web-based Eye-tracking Data Analyzer, WEDA, to deeply analzye and visualize eye-tracking data. She is interested in using the new tools to bridge the relationships between students' visual behavior patterns and their learning outcomes, which further contribute to develop adapted learning environments. Another research line is focused on developing robotics-based interdisciplinary STEAM curricula rooted in computational thinking and design thinking frameworks to enhance all students' 21st century literacy. She has also made efforts in promoting K-12 teachers' professional development in robotics STEAM curriculum design.

  • 指導教授:蔡孟蓉
  • 研究助理:徐柏棻、蕭君穎 (ICILS)、黃書涵 (ICILS & CJSE)
  • 博士後:Nitesh Kumar Jha
  • 博士生:朱元楷 (在職)
  • 碩士生:李晨熙 吳柏翰
  • 大學生:吳鎧全
  • 歡迎對眼動研究方法、認知神經研究方法、視覺行為分析 、網路資訊判准、運算思維、機器人STEAM教育、資訊素養等研究議題有興趣的同學加入MJ's CELL LAB~